Wise Children was the last novel written by Angela Carter. The novel follows the fortunes of twin chorus girls, Dora and Nora Chance, and their bizarre theatrical family. It explores the subversive nature of fatherhood, the denying of which leads Nora and Dora to frivolous "illegitimate" lechery. The novel plays on …

The Sadeian Woman and the Ideology of Pornography is a 1978 non-fiction book by Angela Carter. Given that many feminists, notably Andrea Dworkin, truly loathe de Sade, a feminist re-appraisal of his work might seem a strange thing; but that's just what this book is. Carter sees de Sade as being the first writer to see …

The Passion of New Eve is a novel by Angela Carter, first published in 1977. The book is set in a dystopian United States where civil war has broken out between different political, racial and gendered groups. A dark satire, the book parodies primitive notions of gender, sexual difference and identity from a …