Tarzan at the Earth's Core è un romanzo scritto da Edgar Rice Burroughs e pubblicato nel 1930. È contemporaneamente il tredicesimo episodio del Ciclo di Tarzan e il quarto del Ciclo di Pellucidar. È inedito in italiano.

Pellucidar è un romanzo avventuroso-fantascientifico del 1915 scritto da Edgar Rice Burroughs, il secondo capitolo del suo ciclo di Pellucidar. Questo romanzo venne in origine proposto come sulla rivista All-Story Weekly in quattro parti dall'8 al 29 maggio 1915. Successivamente fu pubblicato in volume a copertina …

Tarzan the Terrible is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the eighth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published as a serial in the pulp magazine Argosy All-Story Weekly in the issues for February 12, 19, and 26 and March 5, 12, 19, and 26, 1921; the first book edition was …

I pirati di Venere è un romanzo fantastico-fantascientifico scritto da Edgar Rice Burroughs e pubblicato nel 1934. È il primo capitolo della serie detta Ciclo di Venere. Il romanzo è ambientato su una versione immaginaria del pianeta Venere chiamato Amtor che ha delle somiglianze con Barsoom, la versione romanzata …

Tarzan the Untamed is a book written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the seventh in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was originally published as two separate stories serialized in different pulp magazines; "Tarzan the Untamed" in Redbook from March to August, 1919, and "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna" …

Tarzan and the Ant Men is the tenth book in Edgar Rice Burroughs' series of novels about the jungle hero Tarzan. It was first published as a seven-part serial in the magazine Argosy All-Story Weekly for February 2, 9, 16 and 23 and March 1, 8 and 15, 1924. It was first published in book form in hardcover by A. C. …

Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, generally considered the eleventh in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published as a serial in Blue Book Magazine from December 1927 through May 1928; it first appeared in book form in a hardcover edition from A. …