The Bone Collector is a 1997 novel by Jeffery Deaver. The book introduces the character of Lincoln Rhyme, a quadriplegic forensic criminalist. It was made into a movie in 1999.

The Twelfth Card is the sixth Lincoln Rhyme mystery novel by Jeffery Deaver. It was published in 2005.

The Coffin Dancer is a 1998 novel by Jeffery Deaver. The book features his regular character Lincoln Rhyme, a quadriplegic detective.

The Vanished Man is a forensic crime mystery by Jeffery Deaver featuring the quadriplegic criminalist Lincoln Rhyme and his partner Amelia Sachs. It is the fifth novel in the Lincoln Rhyme series, which began with The Bone Collector.

The Broken Window is a crime thriller novel written by Jeffery Deaver, published in 2008. It is the eighth book in the Lincoln Rhyme series. In the book, a killer has access to the world's greatest data miner called Strategic Systems Datacorp. He is using detailed information to commit crimes and blame them on …

The Empty Chair is a crime novel by Jeffery Deaver. It is the third novel in a series featuring Lincoln Rhyme; the first of which was made into a movie, The Bone Collector.

« Une histoire à couper le souffle, brillante et redoutablement intelligente ! » Femmes d’aujourd’hui Le livre :À New York, deux personnes sont sauvagement assassinées par une nuit glaciale de pleine lune. Sur chacune des scènes de crime, une signature particulière : une pendule au cadran rond comme la lune, et qui …