O myších a lidech je novela Johna Steinbecka. Poprvé vyšla roku 1937 ve Stockholmu a Londýně. Název novely odkazuje na báseň Roberta Burnse. V knize jsou dobře vidět problémy amerického Jihu z doby děje novely: rasismus, hospodářská krize a touha po majetku.

Hrozny hněvu, v anglickém originále The Grapes of Wrath, je román od Johna Steinbecka, vydaný roku 1939. Již v roce 1940 vyhrál tento román Pulitzerovu cenu a je velmi známý nejen v USA. V tom samém roce byla také natočena jeho filmová podoba, již zrežíroval John Ford a kde hlavní roli ztvárnil Henry …

Na východ od ráje je románová kronika Johna Steinbecka, vycházející z biblického mýtu o Kainovi a Ábelovi. Kniha poprvé vyšla v roce 1952. V knize, která je často popisována jako Steinbeckův nejambicióznější román, se rozvíjí spletitá historie dvou rodin, Trasků a Hamiltonů, a příběhy jejich členů. Kniha byla původně …

One of Steinbeck’s most taught works, The Pearl is the story of the Mexican diver Kino, whose discovery of a magnificent pearl from the Gulf beds means the promise of a better life for his impoverished family. His dream blinds him to the greed and suspicions the pearl arouses in him and his neighbors, and even his …

Na plechárně je román amerického spisovatele John Steinbecka. Poprvé vydán byl v roce 1945, zfilmován byl v roce 1982, zdramatizován v roce 1995. Děj románu se odehrává v malé ulici s továrnou na zpracování ryb v Monterey v Kalifornii. Román se zabývá osudy lidí zde žijících během Velké krize. Hlavními postavami jsou: …

To hear the speech of the real America, to smell the grass and the trees, to see the colors and the light—these were John Steinbeck's goals as he set out, at the age of fifty-eight, to rediscover the country he had been writing about for so many years. With Charley, his French poodle, Steinbeck drives the interstates …

Adopting the structure and themes of the Arthurian legend, John Steinbeck created a “Camelot” on a shabby hillside above the town of Monterey, California, and peopled it with a colorful band of knights. At the center of the tale is Danny, whose house, like Arthur’s castle, becomes a gathering place for men looking for …

Ethan Allen Hawley has lost the acquisitive spirit of his wealthy and enterprising forebears, a long line of proud New England sea captains and Pilgrims. Scarred by failure, Ethan works as a grocery clerk in a store his family once owned. But his wife is restless and his teenage children troubled and hungry for the …

Raised on a ranch in northern California, Jody is well-schooled in the hard work and demands of a rancher's life. He is used to the way of horses, too; but nothing has prepared him for the special connection he will forge with Gabilan, the hot-tempered pony his father gives him. With Billy Buck, the hired hand, Jody …

"Free men cannot start a war, but once it is started, they can fight on in defeat."This compelling, dignified and moving novel was inspired by and based upon the Nazi invasion of neutral Norway. Set in an imaginary European mining town, it shows what happens when a ruthless totalitarian power is up against an occupied …