Published in 1859, John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal argument in support of the value of liberty. Mill’s passionate advocacy of spontaneity, …

On Liberty has become celebrated as the most powerful defence of the freedom of the individual, and is now widely regarded as the most important theoretical foundation for Liberalism as a political creed. The Subjection of Women is a powerful indictment of the political, social, and economic position of women. This …

Naisen asema on filosofi ja taloustieteilijä John Stuart Millin vuonna 1869 ilmestynyt teos sukupuolten välisestä tasa-arvoisesta asemasta lain edessä. Millin puoliso Harriet Taylor Mill avusti kirjan kirjoittamisessa. Teos ilmestyi suomeksi vuonna 1910 nimellä Naisen asema, ja sen on suomentanut Lyyli Vihervaara. …