The universe has broken wide, and Lyra's friend lies dead. Desperate for answers and set on revenge, Lyra bursts into a new world in pursuit of his killer. Instead, she finds Will, just twelve years old and already a murderer himself. He's on a quest as fierce as Lyra's, and together they strike out into this sunlit …

Lyra and her daemon are eavesdropping when they uncover a plot to murder Lord Asriel. He has returned from the far North where he tells of strange sights-a beautiful city hovering in the sky above the pole, a shimmering Dust that settles on and delineates all but human children. Lyra is scarcely able to save his life …

Baśnie braci Grimm – cykl baśni spisanych przez niemieckich pisarzy i językoznawców, braci Wilhelma i Jacoba Grimmów i opublikowany w roku 1812 i w roku 1815 roku. Zbiór ten, powstały na podstawie wieloletnich badań podań, mitów i opowieści ludowych, stał się klasyką literatury, przetłumaczoną na wiele języków. Bracia …

Description (from PBS): Orphan Sally Lockhart (Billie Piper), schooled by her late father in shooting, bookkeeping and Hindustani, puts all her spunk and savvy to use inquiring into her father's mysterious death. A cryptic letter advising her to beware of the "Seven Blessings" starts Lockhart down a harrowing path …

Oxford Lyry – krótka powieść brytyjskiego pisarza literatury fantasy Philipa Pullmana. Książka ta jest kontynuacją trylogii Mroczne Materie. Akcja ma miejsce w Oxfordzie, 2 lata po zakończeniu Bursztynowej Lunety, także główna bohaterka, Lyra Złotousta, ma już 15 lat. Książka jest również wstępem do Księgi Pyłu. W …

“A second brilliant bauble, perhaps more foreboding and terrifying than The Ruby in the Smoke.” –Publisher's WeeklyWill the sea give up its dead?The year is 1878, and the spirited Sally Lockhart, once again defying Victorian sensibilities, has gone into business for herself. When one of her clients loses a large sum …

In London in 1881, twenty-four-year-old Sally finds her young daughter and her possessions assailed by an unknown enemy, while a shadowy figure known as the Tzaddik involves her in his plot to defraud and exploit the hordes of Jewish immigrants pouring into the country.

Once Upon a Time in the North, a fantasy novella by Philip Pullman functions as a prequel to Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. The premise of the story involves the meeting of Iorek Byrnison and Lee Scoresby — an incident originally expected to appear in The Book of Dust: I've just finished a short book which will …

Days after she witnesses a mysterious explosion in 19th-century London, 16-year-old Becky Winter is on her way to a small country In Central Europe, as a companion to Adelaide, a Cockney commoner who'd rather play board games than be a princess. But after an assassination makes Adelaide ruler of Razkavia, she rises to …