Settling Accounts: In at the Death is the last novel of the Settling Accounts tetralogy that presents an alternate history of World War II known as the Second Great War that was released July 27, 2007. It brings to a conclusion the multi-series compilation by author Harry Turtledove, a series sometimes referred to as …

Gunpowder Empire is an alternate history novel by Harry Turtledove. It is the first part of the Crosstime Traffic series.

In the Presence of Mine Enemies is an alternate history novel by American author Harry Turtledove, expanded from the eponymous short story. The novel depicts a world where the United States remained isolationist and did not participate in the Second World War, thus allowing victory to the Axis Powers, who divided the …

Days of Infamy is a two-novel alternate history of the initial stages of the Pacific War by Harry Turtledove. The major difference is that the Empire of Japan not only attacks Pearl Harbor, but follows it up with the landing and occupation of Hawaii.

The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump is a novel by Harry Turtledove. While having some aspects of an alternate history, it is mainly a work of fantasy depicting a world where spells, pragmatically used by some to achieve the same results as the use of technology, call upon a spectrum of major to minor deities of the …