La gemma di Kaiburr è un romanzo ambientato nell'Universo espanso di Guerre stellari scritto da Alan Dean Foster e pubblicato inizialmente nel 1978 da Del Rey, una filiale di Ballantine Books. È ambientato nel periodo compreso tra Una nuova speranza e L'Impero colpisce ancora. In Italia è uscito nel 1979 edito da …

For Love of Mother-Not is a science fiction novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book is chronologically the first in the Pip and Flinx series, though it was written fourth, as a prequel to help flesh out Flinx’s early history.

Il mistero del Krang è un romanzo di fantascienza di Alan Dean Foster del 1972. Si tratta del primo romanzo scritto da A.D. Foster e del secondo episodio nella cronologia interna della serie basata su Pip e Flinx, anche se l'episodio introduttivo in realtà fu scritto più di dieci anni dopo. Come varie altre opere di …

Spellsinger è un romanzo fantasy scritto nel 1983 dallo scrittore statunitense Alan Dean Foster. È il primo libro dell'omonimo ciclo.

Orphan Star is a science fiction novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book is Foster's eighteenth published book, his fifth original novel, and is chronologically the third entry in the Pip and Flinx series. Bloodhype was the second novel to include Pip and Flinx, but it is eleventh chronologically in the series and …

Flinx in Flux is a science fiction novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book is fifth chronologically in the Pip and Flinx series. Flinx finds a woman unconscious on a riverbank deep in the jungles of Alaspin where he has gone to release Pip’s offspring. The woman, Clarity Held, turns out to be a research scientist …

The End of the Matter is a science fiction novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book is fourth chronologically in the Pip and Flinx series.

Nor Crystal Tears is a first-contact novel written by Alan Dean Foster about the meeting of the insectoid Thranx and Man. This sets in motion the creation of the Humanx Commonwealth; the political body that is the union of human and thranx society which forms the foundation for many of Foster's science-fiction novels. …

Bloodhype is a science fiction novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book is eleventh chronologically in the Pip and Flinx series, though it was written second, and it is an oddity for the characters since they only appear in the last third of the book. Foster originally started the novel as a stand-alone work, but …