The Book of Thoth : A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians is the title of The Equinox, volume III, number 5, by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley. The book is recorded in the vernal equinox of 1944 and was originally published in an edition limited to 200 numbered and signed copies. This book …

『法の書』は、1904年にアレイスター・クロウリーが著したセレマの根本聖典の通称である。正式な表題は Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX。Liber AL 、Liber CCXX とも表記され、AL と略される。 本書は1904年4月8日から4月10日にかけてクロウリーが受信したメッセージを筆記したものである。そのメッセージの主は、クロウリーが後に自身の聖守護天使とみなしたアイワス …

『嘘の書』は、オカルティストにして魔術の教育者であったアレイスター・クロウリーが書いた散文詩集の形をとった魔術書。最初に出版されたのは1912年か1913年で、フルタイトルは The Book of Lies, Which is also Falsely Called BREAKS. The Wanderings or Falsifications of the One Thought of Frater Perdurabo, which Thought is itself Untrue. Liber CCCXXXIII …

Diary of a Drug Fiend, published in 1922, was occult writer and mystic Aleister Crowley's first published novel, and is also reportedly the earliest known reference to the Abbey of Thelema in Sicily.

This is a novel by Crowley about a magical war between a white lodge ( led by Iff ) and a black lodge ( led by Douglas ) over an unborn child, the "moonchild" of the title, with the action moving between London, Paris and a villa in Naples. It was written in 1917 in New Orleans.

Magick, Liber ABA, Book 4 is widely considered to be the magnum opus of 20th-century occultist Aleister Crowley, the founder of Thelema. It is a lengthy treatise on Magick, his system of Western occult practice, synthesised from many sources, including Eastern Yoga, Hermeticism, medieval grimoires, contemporary …

The Confessions of Aleister Crowley : An Autohagiography, by Aleister Crowley, is a partial autobiography by poet and occultist Crowley. It covers the early years of his life up until the mid-late 1920s but does not include the latter part of Crowley's life and career between then and his death in 1947. Mandrake Press …