Eugeni Oneguin és una novel·la en vers escrita per Aleksandr Puixkin. És un dels clàssics de la literatura russa i el seu heroi serví de model per a una sèrie d'herois literaris russos. Es publicà en forma de sèrie entre el 1823 i el 1831. La primera edició completa és del 1833, i l'edició que actualment és la versió …

Pushkin's version of the historical novel in the style of Walter Scott, this final prose work also reflects his fascination with and research into Russian history of the 18th century. During the reign of Catherine the Great, the young Grinev sets out for his new career in the army and en route performs an act of …

This volume contains new translations of four of Pushkin's best works of fiction. The Queen of Spades has long been acknowledged as one of the world's greatest short stories, in which Pushkin explores the nature of obsession. The Tales of Belkin are witty parodies of sentimentalism, while Peter the Great's Blackamoor …

On the Eve is the third novel by famous Russian writer Ivan Turgenev, best known for his short stories and the novel Fathers and Sons. Turgenev embellishes this love story with observations on middle class life and interposes some art and philosophy. Nikolay Dobrolyubov was critical of On the Eve, offending Turgenev.