Lives of Girls and Women is a short story cycle by Nobel Prize–winning author Alice Munro, published by McGraw-Hill Ryerson in 1971. All of the stories chronicle the life of a single character, Del Jordan, and the book has been characterized as a novel by some critics as a result. The cycle serves as a coming of age …

‘Munro is still one of our most fearless explorers of the human being, as she descends, time and again, headlamp on full beam, pickaxe and butter-knife at the ready’ The Times Spanning her last five collections and bringing together her finest work from the past fifteen years, this new selection of Alice Munro's …

Nemico, amico, amante... è una raccolta di racconti di Alice Munro pubblicati in Italia nel 2003 da Einaudi. La prima edizione in lingua inglese è stata pubblicata da McClelland and Stewart nel 2001. Uno dei racconti di questo libro "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" è stato adattato per il grande schermo in un film …

No Love Lost is a 2003 collection of short stories by Alice Munro. Part of the New Canadian Library, it collects ten stories published in her earlier books, and features an afterword by Jane Urquhart.