Stupore e tremori è un romanzo della scrittrice belga Amélie Nothomb, pubblicato nel 1999 e da lei stessa definito autobiografico. Nel 1999 ricevette il Grand Prix du roman dell'Académie française.

The Japanese believe that until the age of three, children are gods, each one a 'Lord Child'. On their third birthday they fall from grace and join the rest of humanity. Narrated by a child - from the age of two and a half up until her third birthday - this novel reveals that the move from deity to ordinary member of …

When Blanche's mother, who finds her own daughter rather colourless, bookish and dull, is also dazzled by Christa, she soon invites her to stay at the family house. Suddenly Christa can do no wrong and, as Blanche's parents scour their address books for long-lost friends to invite to dinner to meet the newcomer, their …

The Book of Proper Names is a Belgian novel by Amélie Nothomb. It was first published in 2002. It is a romanticized account of the life of the singer RoBERT, whom Nothomb became acquainted with as an avid admirer of her songs.

Né di Eva né di Adamo è il 16° romanzo della scrittrice belga Amélie Nothomb, edito in Italia da Voland a partire dal febbraio 2008. Si tratta di un romanzo autobiografico, una storia d'amore per un Paese, il Giappone, e per un ragazzo, Rinri, che l'autrice ha pertanto scelto di raccontare in prima persona.