Le commissaire sicilien Salvo Montalbano aimerait passer son temps à réfléchir aux mille et une façons d'accommoder les pâtes et s'adonner à la lecture des œuvres d'Umberto Eco et de Manuel Vazquez Montalban... Mais, malheureusement parfois, le devoir l'appelle : juste avant de mourir, un vieux trafiquant lui révèle …

The Voice of the Violin is a 1997 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2003 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the fourth novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series.

Never has Inspector Montalbano's character -- a unique blend of humor, cynicism, compassion, earthiness, and love of good food -- been more compelling than in The Snack Thief. When an elderly man is stabbed to death in an elevator and a crewman on an Italian fishing trawler is machine-gunned by a Tunisian patrol boat …

Excursion to Tindari is a 2000 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2005 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the fifth novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series, and, upon publication in English, was shortlisted for the CWA Duncan Lawrie International Dagger for best translated crime …

The Scent of the Night is a 2001 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2005 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the sixth novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series.

Cette année, le mois d'août va être particulièrement chaud pour le commissaire Montalbano !D'abord une invasion de cafards, puis de souris, et enfin de rats : la villa que le commissaire Montalbano a trouvée Vigàta pour des amis de sa fiancée Livia semble vraiment maudite. La série de catastrophes atteint son …

Elle est là qui patiente, tapie dans l'ombre. Elle a minutieusement tendue son piège, fil après fil. Qu'attrapera-t-elle cette fois ? Une grosse mouche ? Un papillon ? Un promoteur immobilier véreux ? Rien n'est à exclure, dans cette campagne sicilienne où l'on croise de bien drôles d'insectes. Une jeune fille qui …

Rounding the Mark is a 2003 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2006 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the seventh novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series. Frustrated by his department's repressive handling of security for the G8 summit in Genoa, Montalbano seriously considers …

The Paper Moon is a 2005 novel by Andrea Camilleri, translated into English in 2008 by Stephen Sartarelli. It is the ninth novel in the internationally popular Inspector Montalbano series. Montalbano nostalgically recalls his boyhood and the memories of his family, remembering episodes that stayed imprinted in his …