In a time when the deadly scourge Thread has not fallen on Pern for centuries--and many dare to hope that Thread will never fall again--a boy is born to Harper Hall. A musical prodigy who has the ability to speak with the dragons, he is called Robinton, and he is destined to be one of the most famous and beloved …

Killashandra thought her world had ended when she was told she would never become a concert singer.And then she met the stranger from off-world.He said he was a Crystal Singer - one of the unique ones of the Galaxy - and when Killashandra tried to find out what a Crystal Singer was the answers were vague, obscure.All …

The Renegades of Pern is a science fiction novel by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. It was the tenth book published in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne or her son Todd McCaffrey. It was first published in 1989. Like Nerilka's Story, The Renegades of Pern is a departure from the normal perspective for …

The Dolphins of Pern is a science fiction novel by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. It was the thirteenth book published in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne or her son Todd McCaffrey . The Dolphins of Pern was first published in 1994. The cover painting by Rowena Morrill was used again for the …

The Rowan is the first book in "The Tower and the Hive" series by Anne McCaffrey. It is set in the universe of the "Pegasus" trilogy, against a backdrop of a technologically advanced society in which telepathy, psychokinesis and other psychic Talents have become scientifically accepted and researched. Telekinetic and …

The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall is a 1993 collection of short fiction by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. All five stories are set on the fictional planet Pern; First Fall is one of two collections in the science fiction series Dragonriders of Pern.

Nerilka's Story is a science fiction novella by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. Nerilka's Story became the eighth book in the Dragonriders of Pern volume series. Moreta and its sequel Nerilka are companion stories, in that the latter narrates a second perspective on major events of the former. It was the …

The Ship Who Sang is a science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey, a fix-up of five stories published 1961 to 1969. By an alternate reckoning, "The Ship Who Sang" is the earliest of the stories, a novelette, which became the first chapter of the book. Finally, the entire "Brain & Brawn Ship series", written by …

Red Star Rising or Dragonseye is a science fiction novel by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. It was the fourteenth book published in the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne or her son Todd McCaffrey. Red Star Rising, or Red Star Rising: Second Chronicles of Pern, was published by Bantam UK in 1996. For …