Les Ciels de Pern appartient au cycle de La Ballade de Pern de l'écrivain américaine Anne McCaffrey, publié pour la première fois en 2001. L'histoire a lieu après les Dauphins de Pern et se déroule sur une période très brève, de moins d'une révolution, contrairement à la plupart des romans du cycle. Portail de la …

As willful as her mother, The Rowan, ever was, and possessing unimaginable powers, Damia defies her family's attempts to tame and train her--only to bond with Afra Lyon, a Talent who serves The Rowan, and who becomes the object of her affection.

A continuation of the chronicles of the Talents, begun in The Rowan and Damia. In the deeps of space, Mrdini scouts have crossed the path of three Hive ships - ships that are giant hulks of cell units, bearing the queens and workers out into space, to breed, multiply and destroy.

To Ride Pegasus is a collection of four science fiction stories by Anne McCaffrey, published by Ballantine Books in 1973 and later under its Del Rey imprint. Alternatively, "To Ride Pegasus" is a novella, the first chapter of the book, and the one of four stories that was original to the collection. To Ride Pegasus …

Pegasus in Flight is a science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey set in her "Talents Universe". It is the sequel to a 1973 collection of short stories, To Ride Pegasus, and its 2000 sequel Pegasus in Space completed a trilogy. Pegasus in Flight continues the story of the Talents, a group of powerful psychics whose …

Lyon's Pride is a 1994 novel by Anne McCaffrey, which continues the storyline begun in Damia's Children. Humans and their alien allies the Mrdini slowly begin to get the upper hand in their war against the voracious Hivers, with the help of the powerful psychic Talents of the Raven-Lyon family. The novel also …

Get Off the Unicorn is a 1977 collection of short science fiction by Anne McCaffrey. Eleven of the fourteen stories were previously published in various magazines and anthologies. The title was derived by accident: McCaffrey's working title had been "Get of the Unicorn" but this was misprinted as "Get Off the Unicorn" …