Dragonflight este un roman științifico-fantastic de Anne McCaffrey din 1968 care a fost prima oară publicat în revista americană Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Este primul roman din lunga serie Dragonriders of Pern. Prima parte, "Weyr Search", a fost povestirea de pe coperta Analog din octombrie 1967, ilustrată de …

Deluge is a book published in 2008 that was written by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough.

Nerilka's Story is a science fiction novella by the American-Irish author Anne McCaffrey. Nerilka's Story became the eighth book in the Dragonriders of Pern volume series. Moreta and its sequel Nerilka are companion stories, in that the latter narrates a second perspective on major events of the former. It was the …