L’Orange mécanique est un roman de science-fiction d’Anthony Burgess publié en 1962 et traduit en français en 1972. Burgess s’inspire d'un événement marquant de sa propre vie, sa première femme, Lynne, ayant été agressée par quatre G.I.s déserteurs en 1944. Le roman a été adapté au cinéma par Stanley Kubrick en 1971 …

In Earthly Powers Burgess created his masterpiece. At its center are two twentieth-century men who represent different kinds of power—Kenneth Toomey, a past-his-prime author of mediocre fiction, a man who has outlived his contemporaries to survive into, bitter, luxurious old age, living in self-exile on Malta; and Don …

Set in the near future, The Wanting Seed is a Malthusian comedy about the strange world overpopulation will produce. Tristram Foxe and his wife, Beatrice-Joanna, live in their skyscraper world where official family limitation glorifies homosexuality. Eventually, their world is transformed into a chaos of cannibalistic …

‘One of the most productive, imaginative and risk-taking of writers… It is a clever, sexually explicit, fast-moving, full blooded yarn'Irish TimesA Dead Man in Deptford re-imagines the riotous life and suspicious death of Christopher Marlowe. Poet, lover and spy, Marlowe must negotiate the pressures placed upon him by …

'Nothing Like The Sun' is a magnificent, bawdy telling of Shakespeare's love life. Starting with the young Will, the novel is a romp that follows Will's maturation into sex and writing.

Who, I ask you, wants to drag his bones out of the earth, reclothed in flesh which, in some foul magic of reversal, is regurgitated by the worms, in order that his eyes may see God? Who, I ask you, wants to live for ever? Sadoc son of Azor, a retired shipping clerk lying diseased and dying on the outreaches of the …

The End of the World News is a 1982 novel by British author Anthony Burgess. Presented without chapter breaks, the plot weaves together three storylines. One follows Leon Trotsky on a journey to New York City shortly before the Russian Revolution of 1917. This story is written as the libretto of an Off-Broadway …

Arguing that "the appearance of difficulty is part of Joyce's big joke," Burgess provides a readable, accessible guide to the writings of James Joyce.

Edwin Spindrift, linguiste, docteur – il y tient ! – en philosophie, quitte précipitamment l'Asie pour un service neurologique à Londres. Là, le personnel l'instrumentalise ; son voisin de lit égrène d'extraordinaires résultats de football et les cuisines servent du "ragoût de cervelle". Pis, sa femme, Sheila, espace …

Any Old Iron, Anthony Burgess's epic updating of the Excalibur legend, was published in 1989. Among the historical figures fictionalized in the novel are Chaim Weizmann, A. J. Cronin, Winston Churchill, Éamon de Valera, Anthony Eden and Joseph Stalin. The novel is arguably one of the most important of Burgess's late …