Maus: Relat d'un supervivent és una novel·la gràfica del dibuixant estatunidenc d'origen polonès Art Spiegelman que relata com son pare va sobreviure a l'Holocaust com a jueu a la Polònia de la Segona Guerra Mundial, al camp de concentració d'Auschwitz. Este treball fou guardonat el 1992 amb el premi Pulitzer. L'obra …
For Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Maus, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were both highly personal and intensely political. In the Shadow of No Towers, his first new book of comics since the groundbreaking Maus, is a masterful and moving account of the events and aftermath of that …
Breakdowns is a collected volume of underground comic strips by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman. The book is made up of strips dating to before Spiegelman started planning his graphic novel Maus, but includes the strip "Maus" which presaged the graphic novel, and "Prisoner on the Hell Planet" which is reproduced in …