Beyond the Fall of Night is a novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gregory Benford. The first part of Beyond the Fall of Night is a reprint of Clarke’s famous Against the Fall of Night while the second half is a "sequel" by Gregory Benford which takes place many years later. This book is unrelated to The City and the Stars …

Tales of Ten Worlds is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications.

Of Time and Stars is a collection of short stories by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. The stories all originally appeared in a number of different publications including the periodicals Dude, The Evening Standard, Lilliput, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Future, New Worlds, Startling Stories, …

«Прелюдия к космосу» — научно-фантастический роман Артура Кларка, написанный в 1947 году. Впервые опубликован в 1951 году, когда появился на страницах журнала Galaxy Science Fiction. Британские читатели получили отдельное издание в 1953 году, на следующий год в США роман вышел в твёрдом переплёте от издательства …

The Lion of Comarre & Against the Fall of Night are early stories by Arthur C. Clarke collected together for publication in 1968 by Harcourt Brace and by Gollancz in London in 1970, it has been reprinted several times. Both concern Earth in the far future, with a utopian but static human society. Against the Fall …