image of Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle

... Unknown

"Nelja märk" on Arthur Conan Doyle'i jutustus, milles astuvad üles detektiiv Sherlock Holmes ja doktor Watson. Esmakordselt ilmus "Nelja märk" 1890. aasta veebruaris almanahhis Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine ja algselt kandis teos pealkirja "The Problem of the Sholtos". Samal aastal raamatuna ilmudes kandis teos juba …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Exciting historical romance by Sherlock Holmes author unfolds during the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685. A young soldier and hardened veteran weather harrowing battles, recounted by Doyle with his customary wit and élan.