The Complete Sherlock Holmes: Illustrated from Top Five Classics is the only fully illustrated, single-volume edition of the entire Sherlock Holmes Canon available, featuring: • All 4 Sherlock Holmes novels and 56 short stories, including the final 1927 collection, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes • More than 480 …

His Last Bow is an anthology of dynamic adventurous short stories. Doyle comes up with narratives that are full of suspense, ranging from robbery and burglary to murder. Searching for a rational explanation of the paranormal is the motif of the different works that have been combined in this anthology. The brevity and …

Księga przypadków Sherlocka Holmesa lub Kroniki Sherlocka Holmesa lub Sprawy Sherlocka Holmesa – zbiór 12 opowiadań o Sherlocku Holmesie autorstwa Arthura Conan Doyle'a, ilustrowanych przez Sidneya Pageta. Pierwsze wydanie ukazało się w czerwcu 1927 roku, w liczbie ponad 15 tys. egzemplarzy.

The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes is a series of three annotated books edited by Leslie S. Klinger, collecting all of Arthur Conan Doyle's short stories and novels about Sherlock Holmes. The books were originally published by W. W. Norton in oversized slipcased hardcover editions. The first two volumes containing the …