image of Артур Кьостлер

Артур Кьостлер

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„Тринадесетото племе“ е книга на унгарско-британския писател Артур Кьостлер, издадена през 1976 година. В нея той излага тезата, че евреите ашкенази произлизат не от древните израелтяни, а от хазарите, приели юдаизма и преселили се към Централна Европа през XII-XIII век. Заявеното намерение на автора е да обезсили …

... Unknown

Arthur Koestler's extraordinary history of humanity's changing vision of the universe In this masterly synthesis, Arthur Koestler cuts through the sterile distinction between 'sciences' and 'humanities' to bring to life the whole history of cosmology from the Babylonians to Newton. He shows how the tragic split …

... Unknown

The Roots of Coincidence is a 1972 book by Arthur Koestler, an introduction to theories of parapsychology, including extrasensory perception and psychokinesis. Koestler postulates links between modern physics, their interaction with time and paranormal phenomena. It is influenced by Carl Jung's concept of …

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The Call-Girls: A Tragi-Comedy with Prologue and Epilogue is a novel by Arthur Koestler. Its publication date is given as 1 January 1972 and its plot tells the story of a group of academic scientists struggling to understand the human tendency towards self-destruction, while the group members gradually become more …

... Unknown

The Act of Creation is a 1964 book by Arthur Koestler. It is a study of the processes of discovery, invention, imagination and creativity in humour, science, and the arts. It lays out Koestler's attempt to develop an elaborate general theory of human creativity. From describing and comparing many different examples of …

... Unknown

Stranger on the Square is the third volume of Arthur Koestler's autobiography, published posthumously in 1984. It was co-authored with his wife Cynthia Koestler, née Jefferies, and includes autobiographical notes of her as well. The book was published by Hutchinson, London 1984, 242 pages including Index. ISBN …