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unknown author

... Unknown

Anarchism has been both a vision of a peaceful, cooperative society—and an ideology of revolutionary terror. Since the term itself—anarchism—is a negation, there is a great deal of disagreement on what the positive alternative would look like. The black flag comes in many colors. The Anarchist Handbook is an …

... Unknown

Wednesday, May 7th Two of them came today, dragged me out of my cage and put me in some kind of improvised maze made out of books and old toilet tubes. A labyrinth with no escape. They were treating it like some kind of game, laughing and squealing as I desperately scrabbled from blind alley to blind alley, but I knew …

... Unknown

This bestselling book examines childhood trauma and the enduring effects it has on an individual's management of repressed anger and pain. Why are many of the most successful people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation? This wise and profound book has provided millions of readers with an answer--and has …

... Unknown

"We are not who we were...” The Good Things About America is a book that, above all else, celebrates the enduring awesomeness of the United States of America. This is not meant to sound glib, ironic, or superior. Rather, what we imply is that despite every blind, deaf , and dumb thing America has done in its long and …

... Unknown

A collection of short stories featuring horses as subjects glorifies the strength, majesty, and beauty of the horse and spotlights stories by Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, Beryl Markham, Rudyard Kipling, William Styron, and other prominent authors.

... Unknown

This is the first ever English translation of the historic Magdeburg Confession. The translation work was done from a 1550 Latin original of the Confession. The Magdeburg Confession is the first known document in the history of man to formally set forth the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. The Lesser Magistrate …