Those Who Hunt the Night is a 1988 vampire/mystery novel by Barbara Hambly. It won the Locus Award winner for Best Horror Novel in 1989.

"There is a melancholy, operatic grandeur in Lovecraft's most passionate work," writes Joyce Carol Oates in The New York Review of Books, "... a curious elegiac poetry of unspeakable loss, of adolescent despair, and an existential loneliness so pervasive that it lingers in the reader's memory, like a dream, long after …

Dragonsbane is a fantasy novel written by author Barbara Hambly and published by Del Rey Books in 1985.

La stirpe dei cavalieri Jedi è un romanzo di fantascienza del 1995 Barbara Hambly ambientato nell'universo espanso di Guerre stellari, primo libro della Trilogia di Callista, di cui sono stati tradotti in italiano solo i primi due libri.