A Wish for Wings That Work: An Opus Christmas Story is a children's book by Berkeley Breathed that was published in 1991. It was made into an animated television special that same year. The story is 30 pages long, and contains large color pictures every other page, and small black and white ones over the writing.

Opus the penguin decides to leave routine behind and launches into a night-time adventure. Opus has always listened quietly while Grandma reads him his favourite bedtime story. But this time Opus decides to finish the story his way.

The Last Basselope is a children's book by Berkeley Breathed published in 1992. The 32 page story depicts Breathed's Outland characters, led by Opus the Penguin, hunting the last remaining specimen of a purportedly fierce beast called a Basselope. Once found, the beast—named Rosebud—turns out to be friendly and …