image of Bernard Werber

Bernard Werber

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Mravenci je sci-fi kniha od francouzského autora Bernarda Werbera z roku 1991. Byla přeložena do 30 jazyků a prodalo se jí více než 2 miliony výtisků. Je to první část trilogie, další díly se jmenují Den mravenců a Revoluce mravenců.

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Les Thanatonautes is a 1994 science fiction novel by French writer Bernard Werber. The book deals with the search for afterlife. Les Thanatonautes is first in a five-part series. Together with L'Empire des anges and Nous les dieux, it makes up the Les Thanatonautes trilogy. Nous les dieux, together with Le souffle des …

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Nous les Dieux is a book published in 2004 that was written by Bernard Werber.

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Le père de nos pères is a novel, by Bernard Werber, released in 1998. It is the first volume in the trilogy of Lucrèce et Isidore, named for the two main characters. In this book, Werber deals with the origins of humankind through two new characters, Isidore Katzenberg and Lucrèce Nemrod. He puts forward an …

... Unknown

Le Souffle des Dieux is a book published in 2005 that was written by Bernard Werber.