Cacciatore e preda è un romanzo storico scritto da Bernard Cornwell, ambientato durante le guerre napoleoniche. Il libro racconta la storia del neo tenente Richard Sharpe, che viene inviato nel 1807 a Copenaghen per fare da scorta a un nobile inglese in un'importante, ma segreta missione diplomatica. Presto Sharpe …
Gallows Thief is a historical mystery novel by Bernard Cornwell set in London in the year 1817, which uses capital punishment as its backdrop. Rider Sandman, a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars, is hired as an investigator as a formality to rubber-stamp the death sentence of a condemned murderer. Instead, he discovers a …
Sharpe's Sword is a historical novel in the Richard Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell. It is the fourth in the series, being first published in 1983, though the story is the fourteenth in Sharpe's chronology, set in the summer campaign of 1812 including the Battle of Salamanca on July 22, 1812. Sharpe and his friend …
Il signore della guerra è il quinto romanzo di avventura dello scrittore britannico Bernard Cornwell appartenente al ciclo sulle "storie dei re sassoni", pubblicato in lingua originale nel 2009 e in italiano nel 2010 da Longanesi.
A small British army is stranded when the French invade northern Portugal and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe meets the future Duke of Wellington. Sharpe is stranded behind enemy lines, but he has Patrick Harper, his riflemen and he has the assistance of a young, idealistic Portuguese officer. When he is joined by the …
Sharpe's Enemy: Richard Sharpe and the Defense of Portugal, Christmas 1812 is the fifteenth historical novel in the Richard Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell, first published in 1984. The story is set in 1812 during the Napoleonic Wars.
Sharpe's Regiment is the seventeenth historical novel in the Richard Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell, first published in 1986. The story is set in England as Sharpe looks for the missing Second Battalion of the South Essex Regiment needed in Spain to fight in the Napoleonic Wars.
L'ultimo baluardo è un romanzo storico scritto da Bernard Cornwell ed è ambientato nel 1810, durante il periodo delle guerre napoleoniche. Il romanzo fa parte della serie Le avventure di Richard Sharpe ed è preceduto da L'oro di Sharpe. Si tratta del decimo romanzo della serie, in cui il protagonista Richard Sharpe si …
It is 1815. Sharpe is serving on the personal staff of the Prince of Orange, who refuses to listen to Sharpe's reports of an enormous army, led by Napoleon, marching towards them.The Battle of Waterloo commences and it seems as if Sharpe must stand by and watch the grandest scale of military folly. But at the height …