A History of Western Philosophy is a 1945 book by philosopher Bertrand Russell. A survey of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratic philosophers to the early 20th century, it was criticised for its over-generalization and its omissions, particularly from the post-Cartesian period, but nevertheless became a popular …

Originally published in 1927, this early work of philosophy is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. It contains Russell’s logical argument as to why the Christian religion is an indefensible philosophical position. This is a fascinating work and is thoroughly recommended for anyone with an interest in …

Problèmes de philosophie est un livre écrit par Bertrand Russell. Ce livre comporte une perspective analytique générale. Russell s'efforce, par le rappel de quelques conceptions classiques, de passer en revue afin de mieux situer sa propre démarche. Il pose les questions de la théorie de la connaissance et offre une …

L’Éloge de l'oisiveté est une pépite dénichée dans l’œuvre immense et protéiforme de Bertrand Russell. Dans la grande tradition des essayistes anglais (Swift, Stevenson), il manie le paradoxe pour s'attaquer aux fondements mêmes de la civilisation moderne. Derrière l'humour et l'apparente légèreté du propos se cache …

Marriage and Morals is a 1929 book by the philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell that questions the Victorian notions of morality regarding sex and marriage. Russell argued that the laws and ideas about sex of his time were a potpourri from various sources, which were no longer valid with the advent of …