image of Bohumil Hrabal

Bohumil Hrabal

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Une trop bruyante solitude est un roman tchèque de Bohumil Hrabal, paru en 1976.

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I Served the King of England is a novel by the Czechoslovak writer Bohumil Hrabal. The story is set in Prague in the 1940s, during Nazi occupation and early communism, and follows a young man who alternately gets into trouble and has successes. Hrabal wrote the book during a period of censorship in the early 70s. It …

... Unknown

Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age is a 1964 novel by the Czechoslovak writer Bohumil Hrabal. It tells the story of a man who recounts various events from his past, and in particular his love life. The novel is written in one long sentence.

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Délicieusement tendre et humain, ce roman puisse son inspiration dans des souvenirs d'enfance en évoquant le monde paisible d'une bourgade de province où une famille de brasseurs et le très extravagant " oncle Pépi " sont pris dans les remous de la guerre puis de la révolution. " Bohumil Hrabal, écrit Milan Kundera, …

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