Beyond The Shadows is a fantasy novel written by Brent Weeks and is the third novel in The Night Angel Trilogy.

Droga cienia – pierwsza z trylogii Nocny Anioł książka fantasy wydana w 2009 roku przez angielskiego pisarza Brenta Weeksa. Książka przedstawia losy młodego chłopaka o imieniu Merkuriusz jego początkach jako młodego siepacza.

From Book 1: From NYT bestselling author Brent Weeks comes the first novel in his breakout fantasy trilogy in which a young boy trains under the city's most legendary and feared assassin, Durzo Blint.For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art--and he is the city's most accomplished artist. For Azoth, survival is …

From New York Times bestselling author Brent Weeks... For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art-and he is the city's most accomplished artist. For Azoth, survival is just the beginning. He was raised on the streets and knows an opportunity when he sees one-even when the risks are as high as working for someone like …