image of Bret Easton Ellis

Bret Easton Ellis

... Unknown

NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • A novel of sensational literary and psychological suspense from the best-selling author of Less Than Zero and American Psycho that tracks a group of privileged high school friends in a vibrantly fictionalized 1980s Los Angeles as a serial killer strikes across the city “A thrilling page …

... Unknown

Imperial Bedrooms is a novel by American author Bret Easton Ellis. Released on June 15, 2010, it is the sequel to Less Than Zero, Ellis' 1985 bestselling literary debut, which was shortly followed by a film adaptation in 1987. Imperial Bedrooms revisits Less Than Zero's self-destructive and disillusioned youths as …

... Unknown

Los Angeles, berço e cemitério do americano mistificador e sonhador, é o refúgio de um grupo de pessoas presas entre o ofuscante silabismo de seus arredores, e sua decadente e empobrecida moral. Os treze contos de Os informantes, de

... Unknown

Glamorama é um romance de Bret Easton Ellis, publicado em 1998.