image of Bret Easton Ellis

Bret Easton Ellis

... Unknown

NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • A novel of sensational literary and psychological suspense from the best-selling author of Less Than Zero and American Psycho that tracks a group of privileged high school friends in a vibrantly fictionalized 1980s Los Angeles as a serial killer strikes across the city “A thrilling page …

... Unknown

The Informers is a collection of short stories, seemingly linked by the same continuity, authored by American author Bret Easton Ellis. It was first published as a whole in 1994. Chapters 6 and 7, "Water from the Sun" and "Discovering Japan", were published separately in the UK by Picador in 2007. It displays …

... Unknown

He became a bestselling novelist while still in college, immediately famous and wealthy. He watched his insufferable father reduced to a bag of ashes in a safety-deposit box. He was lost in a haze of booze, drugs and vilification. Then he was given a second chance. This is the life of Bret Easton Ellis, the author and …

... Unknown

Set in Los Angeles in the early 1980's, this coolly mesmerizing novel is a raw, powerful portrait of a lost generation who have experienced sex, drugs, and disaffection at too early an age, in a world shaped by casual nihilism, passivity, and too much money a place devoid of feeling or hope. Clay comes home for …

... Unknown

Les lleis de l'atracció és la segona obra publicada de Bret Easton Ellis, encara que va ser escrita abans que la primera, mentre l'autor encara era estudiant. L'acció transcorre al marc de la liberal escola d'Arts de Candem, un sobrenom per l'escola real de Bennington a Vermont. Escrita en primera persona des de …