Non-Stop is a 1958 science fiction novel by Brian Aldiss. It was the author's first novel. Originally published by Faber & Faber, it has been since been reprinted by a numbers of publishers in the UK and U.S. A number of U.S. paperback editions were published with the title Starship.

Hothouse is a 1962 award-winning fantasy/science fiction novel by British author Brian Aldiss, composed of 5 novelettes that were originally serialised in a magazine. In the US, an abridged version was published as The Long Afternoon of Earth; the full version was not published there until 1976. Five of the stories …

"Super-Toys Last All Summer Long" is een kort verhaal van de Britse sciencefictionschrijver Brian Aldiss uit 1969. Het verhaal speelt zich af in een tijd waar mensen samenleven met machines die een hoge artificiële intelligentie hebben en daarnaast kampen met geboortebeperking gezien de aarde overbevolkt is.