DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES...Except to Harry Keogh, Necroscope. And what they tell him is horrifying. In the Balkan mountains of Rumania, a terrible evil is growing. Long buried in hallowed ground, bound by earth and silver, the master vampire schemes and plots. Trapped in unlife, neither dead nor living, Thibor Ferenczy …

L'antologia dei Miti di Cthulhu è una raccolta di racconti che contiene storie legate al Ciclo di Cthulhu, genere della narrativa horror lanciato da H.P. Lovecraft. Tali antologie hanno contribuito a definire e diffondere il genere.

Not the end of life, Harry Keogh discovered--and not the end of his battle against he terrible evil of vampires.In a secluded English village, Yulian Bodescu plots his takeover of the world. Imbued with a vampire's powers before his birth, Bodescu rules men's minds and bodies with supernatural ease. He is secretly …

Necroscope III: The Source is the third book in the Necroscope series by British writer Brian Lumley. It was released in 1989.

Necroscope IV: Deadspeak is the fourth book in the Necroscope series by British writer Brian Lumley. It was released in 1990.

Necroscope V: Deadspawn is the fifth book in the Necroscope series by British writer Brian Lumley, and is the last book in the original Necroscope Series. It was released in 1991.

Blood Brothers is the sixth book in the Necroscope series by British writer Brian Lumley, and the first book in the Vampire World Trilogy. It was released in 1992.