De to kulturer er et berømt foredrag holdt 7. mai 1959 som senere ble utgitt som bok av den britiske fysikeren, forskningsadministratoren og skjønnlitterære forfatteren Charles Percy Snow. Boka drøfter det Snow oppfatter som en kløft mellom tenkemåten mellom teknologi og naturvitenskap på den ene siden og …

The Masters is the fifth novel in C. P. Snow's series Strangers and Brothers. It involves the election of a new Master at narrator Lewis Eliot's unnamed Cambridge College, which resembles Christ's College where Snow was a fellow. The novel is set in 1937, with the growing threat from Nazi Germany as the backdrop. The …

Corridors of Power is the ninth book in C. P. Snow's Strangers and Brothers series. Its title had become a household phrase referring to the centres of government and power after Snow coined it in his earlier novel, Homecomings. Corridors is concerned with the attempts of an English MP to influence the country's …

Time of Hope is the first chronological entry in C. P. Snow's series of novels Strangers and Brothers, and the third to be published. It depicts the beginning of Lewis Eliot's life, with a childhood in poverty in a small English town at the beginning of the 20th Century. Lewis Eliot is walking home in the summer of …

The Light and the Dark is the fourth novel in C. P. Snow's Strangers and Brothers series. Set in England in the lead-up to and during World War II, it portrays Lewis Eliot's friendship with the gifted scholar and remarkable individual Roy Calvert, and Calvert's inner turmoil and quest for meaning in life. Calvert was …