The Ganymede Club is a science-fiction novel by Charles Sheffield, published in 1995. A mystery and a thriller, the story unravels in the same universe that Sheffield imagined in Cold as Ice. Shortly after humanity begins colonisation of the solar system, a trade war sets off vicious civil war that kills billions. The …

The power of one... Job. Against all evidence he never lost faith in his fellow man. Job. Born on he bottom rung in an age that made ours seem Golden, his life went rapidly downhill from there. Job. Cast adrift into a world he never made, but would change forever. Job. Sometimes, one true man can make the difference.

Divergence is a science fiction novel by Charles Sheffield written in the Heritage Universe series. This book is the sequel to Summertide. The book takes place millennia in the future when most of the Orion Arm of the galaxy has been colonized by humans and other races. Among the various star systems of this arm of …

Godspeed is a 1993 novel by American author Charles Sheffield. On the isolated planet of Erin, young Jay Hara has grown up on dreams of space and legends of the fabled Godspeed drive, which once allowed humans to travel at translight speeds. After meeting Paddy Enderton, a seedy old spacer, Jay is drawn into a chase …