Silverfin är den första i en serie om fem planerade ungdomsromaner om Ian Flemings karaktär James Bond som ung, skrivna av Charlie Higson. Boken utkom tidigt 2005 i England och USA, medan Sverige får vänta tills våren 2006, då den utges under titeln Silverfena.

Bloodfever utkom 2006 och är den andra boken i den officiella Young Bond-serien, skriven av Charlie Higson som också skrev första delen i serien, Silverfin.

The Enemy is a post-apocalyptic young adult horror novel written by Charlie Higson. The book takes place in London, after a worldwide sickness has infected adults turning them into something akin to voracious, cannibalistic zombies. Puffin Books released The Enemy in the UK on 3 September 2009, Disney Hyperion in the …

Double Or Die is the third novel in the Young Bond series depicting Ian Fleming's superspy James Bond as a teenager in the 1930s. The novel, written by Charlie Higson, was released in the United Kingdom by Puffin Books on 4 January 2007. A special hardcover "Limited Collector's Edition" was released as a Waterstones …

Shadowman, realizing that Saint George's army is headed toward the center of London, has raced ahead to warn the kids of the impending disaster. He knows that he has to make them understand--somehow--that they are going to have to work together. This means that Nicola and her kids at the Houses of Parliament, David …

It seemed straightforward enough. Sean had now consumed so much alcohol that everything seemed perfectly reasonable. He'd started planning the job already. The first problem was how to do it. Thirteen thousand pounds in an envelope seems a fair price for a man's life. Particularly if you don't know the man, he seems a …