The bestselling novel—a love story of race and identity—from the award-winning author of We Should All Be Feminists and Dear Ijeawele. Ifemelu and Obinze are young and in love when they depart military-ruled Nigeria for the West. Beautiful, self-assured Ifemelu heads for America, where despite her academic success, …

With effortless grace, celebrated author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie illuminates a seminal moment in modern African history: Biafra's impassioned struggle to establish an independent republic in southeastern Nigeria during the late 1960s. We experience this tumultuous decade alongside five unforgettable characters: Ugwu, …

Protagonista e narradora de Hibisco roxo, a adolescente Kambili mostra como a religiosidade extremamente branca e catolica de seu pai, Eugene, famoso industrial nigeriano, inferniza e destroi lentamente a vida de toda a familia. O pavor de Eugene as tradicoes primitivas do povo nigeriano e tamanho que ele chega a …

"A escritora nigeriana Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie vem conquistando um público cada vez maior, tanto no Brasil como fora dele. Em 2007, seu romance Meio sol amarelo venceu o National Book Critics Circle Award e o Orange Prize de ficção, mas foi com o romance seguinte, Americanah, que ela atingiu o volume de leitores que …

Fifteen-year-old Kambili's world is circumscribed by the high walls and frangipani trees of her family compound. Her wealthy Catholic father, under whose shadow Kambili lives, while generous and politically active in the community, is repressive and fanatically religious at home.When Nigeria begins to fall apart under …