image of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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The highly acclaimed, provocative New York Times bestseller—a personal, eloquently-argued essay, adapted from the much-admired TEDx talk of the same name—from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, award-winning author of Americanah. Here she offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the twenty-first century, one rooted …

... Unknown

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie burst onto the literary scene with her remarkable debut novel, Purple Hibiscus, which critics hailed as “one of the best novels to come out of Africa in years” (Baltimore Sun), with “prose as lush as the Nigerian landscape that it powerfully evokes” (The Boston Globe); The Washington Post …

... Unknown

""J'aimerais que nous rêvions à un monde différent et que nous commencions à le préparer. Un monde plus juste. Un monde où les hommes et les femmes seront plus heureux et plus honnêtes envers eux-mêmes. Et voici le point de départ : nous devons élever nos filles autrement. Et aussi nos garçons." Le célèbre manifeste …

... Unknown

Fifteen-year-old Kambili's world is circumscribed by the high walls and frangipani trees of her family compound. Her wealthy Catholic father, under whose shadow Kambili lives, while generous and politically active in the community, is repressive and fanatically religious at home.When Nigeria begins to fall apart under …

... Unknown

L’Autre Moitié du soleil est un livre écrit par Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.