The Berlin Stories is a book consisting of two short novels by Christopher Isherwood: Goodbye to Berlin and Mr Norris Changes Trains. It was published in 1945. The Berlin Stories was chosen as one of the Time 100 Best English-language novels of the 20th century.

Un uomo solo è un romanzo dello scrittore Christopher Isherwood pubblicato nel 1964. Il romanzo ripercorre l'ordinaria giornata dell'inglese George, un professore di mezza età e omosessuale che insegna presso un college di Los Angeles. Egli è rimasto solo, dopo la morte del suo compagno, e trova conforto nella notte …

Addio a Berlino è un romanzo di Christopher Isherwood, ambientato nella Germania durante il periodo della Repubblica di Weimar; considerato spesso come l'ideale continuazione di Mr Norris se ne va del 1935, assieme al quale costituisce un dittico. L'opera, semi-autobiografica, consta di sei episodi, nei quali vengono …

Mr Norris se ne va, pubblicato negli USA come The Last of Mr. Norris è un romanzo pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1935 dello scrittore britannico Christopher Isherwood. Viene spesso considerato l'antefatto diretto di Addio a Berlino, di cui costituisce un dittico conosciuto come "Le storie di Berlino". L'ispirazione …

Christopher and His Kind is a memoir by Christopher Isherwood, published in 1976 and covering the actual events and experiences of his life between 1929 and 1939, including his years in Berlin, the source of inspiration for some of his most famous novels, such as Goodbye to Berlin. Isherwood decided late in his life …

Down There on a Visit is the 1962 novel from English author Christopher Isherwood. Through his political advocacy and the literary success of his friends, Auden and Spender, Christopher Isherwood became something of a literary rock star, immersing himself in sexual experimentation, alcohol, and raucous company across …

Originally published in 1945, Prater Violet is a stingingly satirical novel about the film industry. It centers around the production of the vacuous fictional melodrama Prater Violet, set in nineteenth-century Vienna, providing ironic counterpoint to tragic events as Hitler annexes the real Vienna of the 1930s. The …

Christopher Isherwood writes another quasi-fictional account of love, loss, and regret in 'The World in the Evening'. As in many Isherwood novels, the main character is caught in a contest between his personal egoism and the needs of friends and lovers. This novel has also been praised for its narrator's definitions …

The Memorial is a 1932 English novel by author Christopher Isherwood. The novel tells the story of an English family's disintegration in the days following World War I. Isherwood's second published novel, this is the first of his works for which he adapted his own life experiences into his fiction.