Morgan's Run is a historical novel by Colleen McCullough published in 2000 about the life of an English prisoner driven to the first penal colonies in Australia in the 18th century. Much of the novel is set in the penal colony on Norfolk Island. It starts off with the prisoner's life in Bristol, England and describes …
Tim is a novel by Australian writer Colleen McCullough published in 1974, published by Harper and Row. It portrays the story of the developing relationship between an older, middle-class American woman, Mary Horton, who lives on her own and a handsome, developmentally impaired 24-year-old gardener, Tim Melville, whom …
The Touch is a historical novel by Colleen McCullough published in 2003. It is about the life of a Scotswoman, Elizabeth Drummond, who travels from her home in Kinross, Scotland to New South Wales in order to marry her wealthy cousin, Alexander Kinross. The story takes place over the latter half of the 19th century.