image of Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac

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W drodze – powieść amerykańskiego pisarza Jacka Kerouaca, napisana ponoć przez trzy miesiące w 1951 roku. Wydana została dopiero w 1957 roku, gdyż żaden z wydawców nie odważył się na ten krok wcześniej. Jest to w większości powieść autobiograficzna, bazuje na spontanicznych podróżach Kerouaca oraz jego przyjaciół …

... Unknown

Włóczędzy Dharmy – powieść Jacka Kerouaca z 1958. Głównymi bohaterami są Ray Smith, alter-ego Kerouaca, oraz Japhy Ryder, którego postać została oparta na poecie i eseiście Garym Snyderze. Kerouac opisał w książce wiele prawdziwych wydarzeń - jego życie wśród beatników, szalone wieczory poetyckie w jazzowych pubach …

... Unknown

W drodze – powieść amerykańskiego pisarza Jacka Kerouaca, napisana ponoć przez trzy miesiące w 1951 roku. Wydana została dopiero w 1957 roku, gdyż żaden z wydawców nie odważył się na ten krok wcześniej. Jest to w większości powieść autobiograficzna, bazuje na spontanicznych podróżach Kerouaca oraz jego przyjaciół …

... Unknown

A poignant masterpiece of wrenching personal expression from the author of On the Road and The Dharma BumsIn this 1962 novel, Kerouac's alter ego Jack Duluoz, overwhelmed by success and excess, gravitates back and forth between wild binges in San Francisco and an isolated cabin on the California coast where he …

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Desolation Angels is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Beat Generation author Jack Kerouac, which makes up part of his Duluoz Legend. It was published in 1965, but was written years earlier, around the time On the Road was in the process of publication. According to the book's foreword, the opening section of …

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"Each book by Jack Kerouac is unique, a telepathic diamond. With prose set in the middle of his mind, he reveals consciousness itself in all its syntatic elaboration, detailing the luminous emptiness of his own paranoiac confusion. Such rich natural writing is nonpareil in later half XX century, a synthesis of Proust, …

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Lonesome Traveler is a collection of short stories and sketches by American novelist and poet Jack Kerouac, published in 1960. It is a compilation of Kerouac's journal entries about traveling the United States, Mexico, Morocco, the United Kingdom and France, and covers similar issues to his novels, such as …

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Visions of Cody is an experimental novel by Jack Kerouac. It was written in 1951-1952, and though not published in its entirety until 1972, it had by then achieved an underground reputation. Since its first printing, Visions of Cody has been published with an introduction by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg titled "The …

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Mexico City Blues is a poem published by Jack Kerouac in 1959 composed of 242 "choruses" or stanzas. Written between 1954 and 1957, the poem the product of Kerouac's spontaneous prose, his Buddhism, and his disappointment at his failure to publish a novel between 1950's The Town and the City and 1957's On the Road.