《海伯利安》是美国作家丹·西蒙斯的科幻小说《海伯利安诗篇》的第一部。这本小说很大程度上来源于英国诗人约翰·济慈的同名长篇诗歌《海伯利安》。海伯利安是神话中提坦神系的太阳神,济慈的诗歌描述了提坦神和奥林帕斯神之间的战争。而在西蒙斯的这本小说中,也讲述了一个类似的故事。 …

An extraordinary artist with few rivals in his chosen arena, Dan Simmons possesses a restless talent that continually presses boundaries while tantalizing the mind and touching the soul. Now he offers us a superb quintet of novellas -- five dazzling masterworks of speculative fiction, including "Orphans of the Helix," …

The Terror is a 2007 novel by American author Dan Simmons. The novel is a fictionalized account of Captain Sir John Franklin's lost expedition of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror to the Arctic to force the Northwest Passage in 1845–1848. In the novel, while Franklin and his crew are plagued by starvation and scurvy and …