Fine Things is a romance novel by Danielle Steel. The book was published on February 1, 1987, by Dell Publications. A film adaptation was released in 1990.

Daddy is a 1989 novel by Danielle Steel. It tells the story of Oliver Watson, an advertising executive, and his three children. Oliver believes that he and his wife, Sarah, have the perfect marriage and are raising their three children, Benjamin, Melissa, and Sam in their house in Purchase, New York. Secretly, though …

Message From Nam is a romantic novel, written by Danielle Steel and published by Dell Publishing in October 1990. The novel follows Paxton Andrews, who is stationed in Vietnam as a journalist during the Vietnam War, focusing on the men she encounters and how her life and the lives of the people she encounters are …

Echoes is a novel by Danielle Steel, published by Random House in October 2004. The book is Steel's sixty-fourth novel.

H.R.H. is a novel written by Danielle Steel and published by Random House in October 2006. The book is Steel's seventieth novel.

In una calda serata di maggio, il lussuoso salone da ballo dell'hotel Ritz-Carlton di San Francisco è uno sfavillio di luci, cornice di un'elegante cena di beneficenza a cui prendono parte celebrità e personalità di spicco. Tutto procede per il meglio fino a quando, poco prima di mezzanotte, le pareti cominciano a …

No Greater Love is a novel by Danielle Steel. It tells a fictional story based on the true event of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.