image of Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri

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Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the Roman poet Virgil. In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth. …

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Jumalainen näytelmä on italialaisen Dante Alighierin 1300-luvulla italiaksi kirjoittama runoelma. Danten kirjallisen uran pääteos on kolmiosainen näkymatka tuonpuoleiseen. Se kertoo Danten tekemästä matkasta Helvetin ja Kiirastulen kautta Taivaaseen. Dante oli firenzeläinen poliitikko, joka joutui vastakkaisen …

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This splendid verse translation by Allen Mandelbaum provides an entirely fresh experience of Dante's great poem of penance and hope. As Dante ascends the Mount of Purgatory toward the Earthly Paradise and his beloved Beatrice, through "that second kingdom in which the human soul is cleansed of sin," all the passion …

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Originally released on 3 CDs in abridged form. Now available on 4 CDs unabridged. "I have been in the Heaven that takes up most of his light, and saw things there that those who descend from that height cannot speak of or forget..." Led by his guide Beatrice, Dante leaves the Earth behind and soars through the …

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Vita Nuova eli Uusi elämä on Danten varhaisteos ihannoidulle rakastetulleen Beatricelle. Dante kirjoitti teosta yhteensä lähes kymmenen vuoden ajan vuodesta 1283 lähtien. Teos valmistui noin vuonna 1294. Vita Nuova on prosimetrum-muotoinen eli yhdistelee sekä runomuotoista että suorasanaista tekstiä. Se sisältää 25 …

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De Monarchia is a treatise on secular and religious power by Dante Alighieri. With this Latin text, the poet intervened in one of the most controversial subjects of his period: the relationship between secular authority and religious authority. Dante's point of view is known on this problem, since during his political …

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