Het Dodenmeer is een jeugdboek van de Ierse schrijver Darren Shan uit 2004. Het is het tiende deel van de twaalfdelige reeks "De wereld van Darren Shan" en daarin een onderdeel van de Noodlot trilogie. The Lake of Souls werd oorspronkelijk in 2003 uitgebracht bij HarperCollins in Londen.

Hunters of the Dusk is the seventh novel in The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shan. It is part of the Vampire War trilogy, which comprises the seventh to ninth novels of the twelve-book saga.

Darren Shan is going home--and his world is going to hell. Old enemies await. Scores must be settled. Destiny looks certain to destroy him, and the world is doomed to fall to the Ruler of the Night....

Demon Thief is a book in Darren Shan's Demonata series. Though it is the second book in the series, it is a prequel to Lord Loss, the first book in the series. The protagonist is also different from that of the first book. The narrator here is a new character called Kernel Fleck, as opposed to Grubbs Grady, the …

Slagtenstein is het derde boek in de reeks De Demonata uit 2006 van de Ierse schrijver Darren Shan.

Blood Beast is the fifth book in Darren Shan's The Demonata series and was released 4 June 2007. It is narrated by Grubbs Grady, the narrator of Lord Loss and Slawter. The plot is part of a two-part story, which continues in book six. Though the previous four books have not been in chronological order, this book is …