image of Dave Eggers

Dave Eggers

* March 12, 1970 in United States
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Et forbløffende talentfullt, dypt rystende verk er en bok av Dave Eggers. Boken kan egentlig ikke kalles roman, ettersom det boken også er forfatterens memoarer, med visse skjønnlitterære trekk. Boken handler om hvordan Eggers som 22-åring må ta seg av sin 8-årig bror når foreldrene dør av kreft. Hans såkalte …

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New York Times Notable Book New York Times BestsellerWhat Is the What is the epic novel based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng who, along with thousands of other children —the so-called Lost Boys—was forced to leave his village in Sudan at the age of seven and trek hundreds of miles by foot, pursued by militias, …

... Unknown

In his first novel, Dave Eggers has written a moving and hilarious tale of two friends who fly around the world trying to give away a lot of money and free themselves from a profound loss. It reminds us once again what an important, necessary talent Dave Eggers is. The book has an unorthodox design. There are no …

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The true story of one family, caught between America’s two biggest policy disasters: the war on terror and the response to Hurricane Katrina. Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun run a house-painting business in New Orleans. In August of 2005, as Hurricane Katrina approaches, Kathy evacuates with their four young children, …

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How We Are Hungry is a collection of short stories by Dave Eggers, originally published by McSweeney's in 2004. The hardcover first edition includes the following pieces:

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The Wild Things based very loosely on the storybook by Maurice Sendak and the screenplay cowritten with Spike Jonze is about the confusions of a boy, Max, making his way in a world he can’t control. His father is gone, his mother is spending time with a younger boyfriend, his sister is becoming a teenager and no …

... Unknown

An Amazon Best Book of the Month, October 2013: As a fiction writer, indie publishing icon and education activist Dave Eggers neither suffers fools gladly nor treads lightly. With his signature mix of intelligence and highly literate snark, he dives headlong into contemporary crises--Hurricane Katrina, the Sudanese …