Dünya Küçük, İngiliz roman yazarı David Lodge'ın 1984 yılında yazdığı, kampüs romanları serisinin ikincisidir. Eser, 1975 yılında yayınlanan Yerleri Değiştirme'nin devamıdır. Romanda, hem serinin ilk kitabındaki baş karakterler Morris Zapp, Philip Swallow ve eşleri hem de yeni karakterler yer alır. Dünya Küçük'te …

Yerleri Değiştirme, İngiliz roman yazarı David Lodge'ın 1975 yılında yazdığı kampüs romanları serisinin ilkidir. Eserin alt başlığı olan İki Kampüsün Öyküsü, Charles Dickens'ın İki Şehrin Öyküsü'ne bir göndermedir. Serinin ikinci kitabı 1984 yılında yayınlanan Dünya Küçük'tür. Lodge, sonraki senelerde, romanın baş …

İyi İş, İngiliz yazar David Lodge'ın 1988 yılında yazdığı romanı. Eser, aynı sene Sunday Express Yılın Kitabı Ödülü'nü kazandı ve Booker Ödülü'ne aday oldu. 1989 yılında BBC televizyonu için dört bölümlük bir dizi olarak çekildi. Dizide başrollerde Warren Clarke ve Haydn Gwynne yer aldı. Dizinin pek çok sahnesi …

Ralph Messenger is an international academic star in the highly trendy field of language and thought research. Novelist Helen Reed arrives at the university to teach creative writing and to recover from the unexpected death of her husband. Despite huge differences in belief and temperament, they begin a secret affair …

Retired Professor of Linguistics Desmond Bates is going deaf. It's a bother for his wife who has an enviably successful new career and is too busy to be endlessly repeating herself. Roles are reversed with his aging father, who resents his son's attempts to help him. And then there's Alex, a student whom Desmond has …

Therapy is a novel by British author David Lodge. The story concerns a successful sitcom writer, Laurence Passmore, plagued by middle-age neuroses and a failed marriage. His only problem seems to be an "internal derangement of the knee" but a mid-life crisis has struck and he is discovering angst. His familiar doses …

Paradise, tourist style. It's a very long way from home. Bernard Walsh is in Hawaii on family business, escorting his querulous father to the bedside of a long-forgotten aunt. His mission transports him from quiet obscurity in Rummridge, England, to a lush tropical playground, from cloistered solitude into the …

The Rhythm Method is the curse of young Adam Appleby's life and the cause of his children's. While Adam gestates his thesis in the British Museum, his wife worries at home because her period is late and a fourth little bundle of (expensive) joy seems to be on the way, thanks to 'Vatican Roulette'. Though Adam's …

The Art of Fiction is a book of literary criticism by the British novelist David Lodge. The chapters of the book first appeared in 1991-1992 as weekly columns in The Independent on Sunday and were eventually gathered into book form and published in 1992. The essays as they appear in the book have in many cases been …