image of Dietmar Dressel

Dietmar Dressel

... Unknown

Every thinking corporeal living being of the higher spiritual order on habitable planets, including the people from planet earth, determine for themselves what and how much they want to own and how they decide, think and act, also practically to realize. This happens out of free decision and will formation. However, …

... Unknown

Thinking of thoughts is basically an energetic, procedural process. Once completely detached from what could possibly have triggered or triggered it. From the scientific understanding of parts of humanity, however, the human brain would be its thinking center. It is indisputably about sixty percent brain fat and forty …

... Unknown
... Unknown

From our previous considerations on this topic, I mean by that: The material universe in the cosmic cycle, and from our jointly developed level of knowledge and the factual understanding, one may be able to understand the enthusiasm. However, with the cosmic evolution before this dubious Big Bang, all of this has next …

... Unknown

The novel The accomplices of greed is possibly an essential, a meaningful spiritual platform of creation for all mental and physical-thinking living beings in the universe? She carefully searches for the right questions in this novel. If one thinks with the principles of logic, ethics and metaphysics, one approaches …

... Unknown

The secret of philosophy through the ages. Admittedly, not an easy topic! How are the essential characteristics of the thinking of thoughts and the resulting action to be understood and possibly also to be justified under the intellectual inclusion of philosophy in the course of time? Which qualitative changes, …

... Unknown
... Unknown

What drives the vast majority of people to devote themselves to the maximum satisfaction of elementary basic needs and to do so with great zeal? By this I mean eating, drinking, sleeping and reproducing of their own kind. And that with an almost limitless extensive effort. Even knowing that their livelihood is based …