Den femte sanningen är en roman från 1962 av Doris Lessing. Den har setts som en feministisk bibel.

The married couple in this novel pull off a remarkable achievement: They purchase a three-story house with oodles of bedrooms, and, on a middle-class income, in the '70s, fill it to the brim with happy children and visiting relatives. Their holiday gatherings are sumptuous celebrations of life and togetherness. And …

Gräset sjunger är Doris Lessings debutroman från 1950. Den utspelar sig i Rhodesia, i södra Afrika, i slutet av 1940-talet. Berättelsen handlar om makarna Turners olyckliga äktenskap och om deras fattiga strävan att försörja sig som lantbrukare i det koloniala Sydrhodesia. Centrala teman i boken är rasmotsättningar …

The Good Terrorist is a 1985 political novel by Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing. It was first published in the United Kingdom in January 1985 by Jonathan Cape, and in the United States in September 1985 by Alfred A. Knopf. The story examines events in the life of Alice, a naïve and well-intentioned …

The Memoirs of a Survivor is a dystopian novel by Nobel Prize-winner Doris Lessing. It was first published in 1974 by Octagon Press. It was made into a film in 1981, starring Julie Christie and Nigel Hawthorne, and directed by David Gladwell.

The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five is a 1980 science fiction novel by Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing. It is the second book in her five-book Canopus in Argos series, the first being Shikasta. It was first published in the United States in January 1980 by Alfred A. Knopf, and in the United …

Martha Quest is a 1952 novel by British Nobel Prize in Literature-winner Doris Lessing. Martha Quest is the main character of the first book in the book series The Children of Violence.